Use Green2Heat for your project. Whether on the floor, ceiling or wall, Green2Heat adapts to your needs and ensures optimal heat distribution in every room.
Our innovative technology is easy to install under any floor finish and ensures pleasant and efficient heat distribution.
By installing our surface heating on the ceiling, the heat is evenly distributed throughout the room and maximizes living comfort.
By mounting it on the wall, the heat is evenly distributed in the room and ensures a pleasant indoor climate without cold spots.
Green2Heat can be used both as a full heating system for your entire home or office and as an auxiliary heating for specific areas. Depending on your individual needs and the given space requirements, Green2Heat adapts perfectly.
Used as a full heating system, Green2Heat ensures a continuous and energy-efficient heat supply in all rooms. Due to the uniform heat emission of our surface heating system, you can completely replace conventional heating systems, which is particularly ideal in new buildings or for extensive renovations.
As an auxiliary heating, Green2Heat offers an excellent opportunity to increase heat in areas where it is particularly needed, such as bathrooms, basements or extensions of your home that are not covered by the main heating system.
A new building is more than just a new home – it is a promise for the future. With Green2Heat, you can underpin this promise with state-of-the-art and sustainable heating technology. When planning a new building, you have the unique opportunity to focus on environmentally friendly solutions right from the start. Our surface heating system was developed precisely for such requirements.
Egal ob offenes Loft, traditionelles Familienhaus oder moderne Apartmentanlage – Green2Heat passt sich nahtlos an jede Raumstruktur an.
Unsere Flächenheizung kann nicht nur im Boden, sondern auch in Wänden oder Decken installiert werden. Dies ermöglicht innovative Heizkonzepte und ein rundum angenehmes Raumklima.
Von energiesparenden Dämmmaterialien bis zu aktuellen Fußbodenbelägen – Green2Heat ist kompatibel mit den modernsten Baumaterialien.
In einem digitalen Zeitalter sollte auch Ihr Heizsystem vernetzt sein. Green2Heat lässt sich problemlos in Smart Home Systeme integrieren, sodass Sie Ihre Heizung bequem und intelligent steuern können.
Keine klobigen Heizkörper, keine sichtbaren Leitungen. Mit Green2Heat erhalten Sie ein minimalistisches Design, das den ästhetischen Ansprüchen moderner Architektur gerecht wird.
Thanks to its flexibility and compact design, Green2Heat can be fitted into almost any space, regardless of the architectural challenges of older buildings. Whether you want to modernize an old building or just redesign individual rooms: With Green2Heat, you choose a heating solution that is future-proof in terms of both technology and ecology. Transform your remodelled space into a cosy, green oasis and enjoy the best of both worlds.
Investing in an energy-efficient heating solution such as Green2Heat can provide access to attractive government subsidies. These support programmes are designed to support the transition to greener heating systems and can be offered in the form of grants, low-interest loans or tax breaks. The exact conditions and offers vary by country and region, however, many governments have established programs that financially support the purchase and installation of systems such as Green2Heat.
To apply for funding, you should first find out about the programs available in your region. Many countries have specific requirements for the subsidized heating systems. It is advisable to get in touch with an expert advisor who has experience with funding programs and can guide you through the application process.
Connect with our experts for innovative, forward-looking heating solutions.
G2H Vertriebs AG
St. Mamertenweg 35
FL-9495 Triesen
Phone AT, DE, EN:
+49 9503 5044 0695
Phone ES, FR, IT, PT:
+34 91 9464410
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