Revolutionize your heating solution with Green2Heat

Discover Green2Heat, the revolutionary surface heating system that warms with energy efficiency while reducing your environmental footprint. Experience a new era of heating technology that perfectly combines comfort and ecology.

Our innovative heating mat uses electricity to heat your home efficiently and evenly, always with environmental protection at the forefront. Switch to Green2Heat and discover how modern living and sustainable lifestyle go hand in hand.


Zukunftsfähige Flächen­heizung als vollwertiges Heizsystem

Entdecken Sie Green2Heat, die revolutionäre Flächenheizung, die Ihr Zuhause auf effiziente Weise erwärmt und gleichzeitig den ökologischen Fußabdruck verringert. Erleben Sie eine neue Ära der Heiztechnologie, die Komfort und Ökologie perfekt miteinander verbindet. 

Unsere innovative Flächenheizung nutzt Strom, um Ihr Zuhause effizient und gleichmäßig zu erwärmen, wobei der Umweltschutz stets im Vordergrund steht. Steigen Sie um auf Green2Heat und entdecken Sie, wie modernes Wohnen und nachhaltiger Lebensstil Hand in Hand gehen.


Green2Heat explained in 90 seconds

Nachhaltige Energie-
lösungen für Ihr Zuhause

Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie Sie unser innovatives Heizsystem in Kombination mit Photovoltaik optimal einsetzen, um Ihre Energiekosten nachhaltig zu senken.

Feel-good warmth from below

Optimize your indoor climate. Our surface heating solutions offer maximum comfort and increase the well-being of all roommates.

Quality and variety

Improve your comfort with reliable heating mats. Discover first-class solutions for your home and enjoy long-lasting heat quality.


Advantages of our surface heating

Saving energy
when heating

Uniform heat distribution

Faster response time

Sustainable and environmentally friendly

Quick installation

Easy to use

Smart Home integration

Comfort and well-being


Overall concept for a sustainable heating system

Our overall concept for a sustainable heating system integrates self-generated electricity through a photovoltaic system with our energy-efficient heating system. This not only offers you a reliable and environmentally friendly source of energy, but also a significant independence from external energy suppliers. This holistic solution allows you to reduce your energy costs in the long term while protecting yourself from the risks of rising electricity prices.

A heating solution for a wide range of applications

The Green2Heat surface heating system meets the high requirements of new properties and properties in need of renovation.


New building

Our energy-efficient surface heating system is perfect for small to larger new construction projects. It offers even heat distribution and saves space because it does not require additional radiators. Green2Heat sustainably reduces energy consumption and is a cost-effective and reliable heating option with low maintenance and a long service life.


Old building

Our flexible surface heating system is ideal for renovation projects. It ensures even heat distribution and, thanks to its reduced thickness and light weight, adapts optimally to existing structures. Green2Heat can be installed quickly and easily, without any significant loss of space. Our heating solution is low-maintenance, durable and therefore suitable for demanding projects.

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